Alibaba Cloud Community

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China Gateway Meetup @Hamburg

Marc-David Militz
Join us on the evening of September 18th, to kick-off our first China Gateway meetup in Hamburg.

Are you looking at establishing a business presence in China, developing a go-to market strategy there, or deciding how to deliver the best online experience for your customers in Mainland China?

As the leading cloud provider in the country, Alibaba Cloud knows what it takes for businesses to be successful in China, and has helped many international companies, such as Sinorbis and Strikingly, to grow.

China Gateway is our dedicated channel that will support you on every step, as your business in China develops. Our solid computing technology and unrivalled expertise will guide you through compliance and regulatory issues that are specific to the country, such as applying for an ICP License and ensure that you know how to protect your website against malicious attacks.

Talk 1: Commerce in China - Michael Plagge, Director of Business Development, Alibaba Cloud

Talk 2: German Engineering Culture Meets Chinese Digital Innovation Culture: How the Countries Drive Technology Innovation Together Successfully - Fang Dong, Senior Community Manager Ming Labs (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Talk 3: Gateway to China - Cloud-based Services and Architectures for Cross-Border Applications and IT-Systems - Oliver Arafat, Senior Solution Architect, Alibaba Cloud

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