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Salesforce announces strategic partnership with Alibaba Group

Marc-David Militz
More and more of Salesforce´s multinational customers are asking to support them wherever they do business around the world.

That’s why Salesforce announced a strategic partnership with Alibaba, an innovation leader that helps its customers transform the way they market, sell, and operate through businesses like Alibaba Cloud and Tmall.
Alibaba will become the exclusive provider of Salesforce to customers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and Salesforce will become the exclusive enterprise CRM product suite sold by Alibaba.

Together, Salesforce and Alibaba will bring Salesforce’s #1 CRM platform — including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, and Salesforce Platform — to customers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
Alibaba’s advanced, secure infrastructure and knowledge of these markets will empower our global customers with a solution that meets local business needs.

We look forward to developing this partnership with Alibaba as we continue to drive success for companies around the world.

For more information, please visit

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