Docker - Trainings, Online Courses, Experts, Community

Docker Definition

Docker ist eine Open-Source-Software, die dazu verwendet werden kann, Anwendungen mithilfe von Betriebssystemvirtualisierung in Containern zu isolieren. Dies vereinfacht einerseits die Bereitstellung von Anwendungen, weil sich Container, die alle nötigen Pakete enthalten, leicht als Dateien transportieren und installieren lassen. Andererseits gewährleisten Container die Trennung der auf einem Rechner genutzten Ressourcen, sodass ein Container keinen Zugriff auf Ressourcen anderer Container hat.

Docker Trainings

MCSA: Linux on Azure

MCSA: Linux on Azure

Learning plan | German | Level
Die Zertifizierung zum "Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Linux® on Azure" bescheinigt Ihnen die Fähigkeiten für den Entwurf, die Architektur, die Implementierung und die Pflege cloudfähiger Linux-Lösungen, die Open Source Funktionen von...
Container Technologie: Docker und Kubernetes Administration und Orchestrierung

Container Technologie: Docker und Kubernetes Administration und Orchestrierung

Classroom training | German | Level
Nach dem Seminar, haben die Teilnehmer ein fundiertes Wissen über die eingesetzten Container-Technologien. Sie werden in der Lage sein, eigene Applikationscontainer zu erstellen und zu verwalten, und lernen die notwendigen Tools kennen, um Container im täglichen Betrieb zu...
Docker For Enterprise Operations

Docker For Enterprise Operations

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Kurs werden Ihnen erweiterte Funktionen der Docker Enterprise Edition vorgestellt.
Docker Grundkurs

Docker Grundkurs

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie eine Docker Umgebung aufzubauen, zu orchestrieren und Cluster zu betreiben. Darüberhinaus werden Ihnen alle notwendigen Grundlagen und Konzepte der Containerisierung vorgestellt.
Docker Kompaktkurs

Docker Kompaktkurs

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die sichere Einführung und den Betrieb von Docker kennen.
Docker Security

Docker Security

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie eine dockerisierte Umgebung abzusichern und relevante Aspekte zum Thema Sicherheit sowie Best-Practices Beispiele zur Sicherung von containerisierten Diensten.
Docker und Kubernetes

Docker und Kubernetes

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Kurs erlernen Sie das Arbeiten mit Containern. 
Einführung in Docker und Kubernetes für Java Entwickler

Einführung in Docker und Kubernetes für Java Entwickler

Classroom training | German | Level
Seit einigen Jahren sind Containertechnologien in aller Munde. Insbesondere um Docker ist ein gewaltiger Hype entstanden, nachdem die grundlegenden technischen Voraussetzungen schon länger unter Linux vorhanden waren, aber nicht einfach genutzt werden konnten. Die heutigen...
Jenkins - Docker und Kubernetes

Jenkins - Docker und Kubernetes

Classroom training | German | Level
Kontinuierliche Integration und Deployment mit dem Jenkins CI Server, in Docker Container Umgebungen, verwaltet mit Kubernetes. In dieser Trainingssession zeigen wir ihnen wie sie im agilem Entwicklungsumfeld kontinuierlich Microservices bauen, testen und in eine skalierbare...
Jenkins Docker Kubernetes

Jenkins Docker Kubernetes

Classroom training | German | Level
Kontinuierliche Integration und Deployment mit dem Jenkins CI Server, in Docker Container Umgebungen, verwaltet mit Kubernetes. In dieser Trainingssession zeigen wir ihnen wie sie im agilem Entwicklungsumfeld kontinuierlich Microservices bauen, testen und in eine skalierbare...
Microservices mit Docker und Kubernetes

Microservices mit Docker und Kubernetes

Classroom training | German | Level
Sie lernen in diesem kompakten Seminar alles grundliegende zum Thema Microservices, Docker Containern und dem Einsatz mittels Kubernetes. An anschaulichen Beispielen und mit hohem Praxisanteil wird von Architektur, über Prinzipien und Technologien alles vermittelt was Sie für...
Azure Container Service - How to change your public key

Azure Container Service - How to change your public key

Video | English | Level
Hi guys! I thought I'd do a quick how-to video on changing your public key in the event you forget your private key passphrase, or you simply lose your private key altogether. Feel free to leave comments / questions below! Blog: Learn more about Azure, Cloud, OSS, Linux,...
Azure Container Service: How to create an SSH Tunnel

Azure Container Service: How to create an SSH Tunnel

Video | English | Level
Check out my latest video on how to create an SSH tunnel to connect to a Docker Swarm engine in Azure Container service In this video we review the following: - Review SSH tunnels and how they work - SSH tunnel creation on Linux / Mac - SSH tunnel creation on Windows via PuTTY...
Ben Golub, CEO of Docker

Ben Golub, CEO of Docker

Video | English | Level
On October 3rd in the Convention Centre in Dublin we hosted the Microsoft Ireland Tech Gathering where we discussed the technology trends that are shaping the future of the IT industry and how Microsoft, our customers and partners are enabling digital transformation.
Containers Two Ways: Local Docker + Azure Container Service with Kubernetes

Containers Two Ways: Local Docker + Azure Container Service with Kubernetes

Video | English | Level
This is a screencast demo I prepared for the Saint Louis Azure Meetup group... it references some elements of a recent in-person meeting and discussion but largely stands on its own as a demonstration of running ASP.NET Core and MongoDB in containers both locally in Docker and...
Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor folosind containere Linux și Docker în Microsoft Azure [Invitat: Radu Matei]

Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor folosind containere Linux și Docker în Microsoft Azure [Invitat: Radu Matei]

Video | English | Level
În următoarele minute vom explora ce înseamnă să creezi și să rulezi containere de Linux folosind Docker și cum sunt ele diferite față de mașinile virtuale. Apoi vom investiga diferitele modalități prin care putem rula aplicații containerizate în Azure folosind...
Docker 101 with Ahmet Alp Balkan

Docker 101 with Ahmet Alp Balkan

Video | English | Level
Scott talks to Ahmet Alp Balkan about Docker and gets the full 101 on what Docker is, and why we should care. What problem does Docker solve and how can we use Docker in the Microsoft Azure Cloud?
Docker High Level Whiteboard

Docker High Level Whiteboard

Video | English | Level
A High Level explanation / whiteboarding of container technologies and their advantages over individual processes and traditional IaaS Virtual Machines. Madhan Arumugam, Principal Program Manager with the Azure compute team Ross Gardler, Sr. Technical Evangelist with Microsoft...
Episode 5: Five Things About Docker

Episode 5: Five Things About Docker

Video | English | Level
Docker the big technology all Web and cloud developer should be exploring. What is it about whales that they deploy containers so well? Why does Dan always match his shirt to the Docker-whale blue? Learn more about how you can use Docker in this episode of Five Things, from...
How to link containers on ACS

How to link containers on ACS

Video | English | Level
Check out my latest video on how to get started securely sharing data between multiple containers using Docker Swarm on Azure Container service. In this video we review the following: - Legacy Container Links - User-defined bridge network - Docker compose containers and...
Introduction to .NET Docker Images with Kendra Havens

Introduction to .NET Docker Images with Kendra Havens

Video | English | Level
Kendra Havens gives us an inside look at the .NET Docker images. To get started on .NET on Docker check out the following links
Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 1.

Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 1.

Video | English | Level
How do you take a .NET app running on Windows Server 2003 and move it to Azure? This is the first in a five-part series which shows you how to do it using Docker and Windows containers. Docker is an application platform that runs server apps in lightweight, isolated units...
Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 2.

Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 2.

Video | English | Level
The second video in the series showing you how to move existing .NET apps to Docker, so you can run them in Azure without any code changes. In Part 2 I use the open-source PowerShell module, Image2Docker, to extract an ASP.NET 3.5 application from a Windows Server 2003 VM into...
Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 3.

Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 3.

Video | English | Level
The third video in the series showing you how to move existing .NET apps to Docker, so you can run them in Azure without any code changes. In Part 3 I push the Docker image which I built in Part 2 up to a private Docker registry, where I have fine control over who can access...
Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 5.

Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 5.

Video | English | Level
The final video in the series showing you how production Docker deployments look in Azure. I take the same application I've used in the whole series and deploy it to a highly-available cluster of VMs running Docker. I use Docker Enterprise Edition with a template from Azure...
Multi-stage build in Docker with Kendra Havens

Multi-stage build in Docker with Kendra Havens

Video | English | Level
In this video, Kendra Havens shows us the work her team has been doing on the multi-stage build in Docker. To learn more about this please check out
Part 1 of 4: Create a Web Application and push it into Docker Hub

Part 1 of 4: Create a Web Application and push it into Docker Hub

Video | English | Level
Series 1: Exploring Azure Container Instances and Azure Web App for Containers Part 1 of 4: Create a Web Application and push it into Docker Hub In this video you will learn to create a container image by example of a Scala web application created with Play Framework, and push...
Shayne Boyer - Docker Tools for Visual Studio

Shayne Boyer - Docker Tools for Visual Studio

Video | English | Level
Shayne Boyer (@spboyer) joins us to talk about running .NET Framework applications in Docker, and also gives us a demo of the Docker tooling available in Visual Studio 2017. [02:35] - Shayne adds Docker support to a WCF application, [06:45] - Rich asks about the Docker files...
Testing Microservices with Docker, Azure, and Visual Studio Team Services

Testing Microservices with Docker, Azure, and Visual Studio Team Services

Video | English | Level
This year, I had the opportunity to represent Microsoft at the Software Quality Day Tools Challenge in Vienna again. For this event, the organizers hand out a challenge in the morning. In the afternoon, all participants have to show how they solved it with their tools. This...
The Docker Visual Studio Extension with Ahmet Alp Balkan

The Docker Visual Studio Extension with Ahmet Alp Balkan

Video | English | Level
Scott talks to Ahmet Alp Balkan about Docker and how it integrates with Visual Studio using an extension. You'll see how you can create and install docker onto Virtual Machines in Azure easily. Then we'll create an ASP.NET 5 application and publish it to Docker on a VM running...
Thousands of free Linux virtual machines in VM Depot

Thousands of free Linux virtual machines in VM Depot

Video | English | Level
Scott talks to Eduard Koller about the Microsoft Open Tech "VMDepot," a collection of hundreds of open virtual machine images you can install in Azure today! Areas covered in this video: The VMDepot portal – A community-driven VM image catalog. Images contain the OS,...
Treating the Azure CLI as a Docker Container to speed development

Treating the Azure CLI as a Docker Container to speed development

Video | English | Level
Scott talks to Khalid Mouss about how install the Azure CLI into a Docker Container. This means your Azure Command Line Interface setup is completely portable and easily installable, anywhere!
Wie man Anwendungs-APIs in Container-Microservices umgestaltet

Wie man Anwendungs-APIs in Container-Microservices umgestaltet

Video | English | Level
In diesem Demo-Video erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Anwendung mithilfe der Refactor-Migrationsstrategie migrieren.
Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) + E-Book: Desining Distributed Services

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) + E-Book: Desining Distributed Services

Download | English | Level
Seit kurzer Zeit steht der Cloud-Dienst Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offiziell zur Verfügung. Der Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ist ein Container-Dienst, der die Bereitstellung, die Verwaltung und den Betrieb von Kubernetes als vollständig verwalteter...
Docker E-Book: How to containerize your Go code

Docker E-Book: How to containerize your Go code

Download | English | Level
Der Containerdienst Docker bietet Softwareentwicklern und DevOps mehr Vorteile als nur eine Virtualisierungslösung. Er vereinfacht die Bereitstellung von Anwendungen, weil die Applikation in einem Container alles Relevante beinhaltet und somit einfach auf anderen Plattformen...
E-Book: Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle

E-Book: Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle

Download | English | Level
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen adaptierbaren, containerbasierten App-Lebenszyklus für Unternehmen erstellen. Laden Sie dieses eBook von Microsoft herunter:
Kostenfreies eBook: .NET Microservices Architecture

Kostenfreies eBook: .NET Microservices Architecture

Download | English | Level
Microservices-Architektur sehen viele Unternehmen – neben den Containerdiensten wie bspw. Docker - als wichtigen Ansatz für die kostengünstige Entwicklung verteilter unternehmenskritische Anwendungen. In einer mikroservice-basierten Architektur basiert die Anwendung auf...

Related topics to Docker

Docker Community

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In dieser Gruppe diskutieren wir Technologien, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und...

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