Microsoft Azure Active Directory - Trainings, Online Courses, Experts, Community

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Definition

Azure Active Directory stellt Identitätsverwaltung und Zugriffssteuerung für Ihre Cloudanwendungen bereit. Sie können lokale Identitäten synchronisieren und einmaliges Anmelden (SSO) aktivieren, um den Zugriff der Benutzer auf Cloudanwendungen zu vereinfachen. Azure Active Directory ist in drei Editionen erhältlich: Free, Basic und Premium.

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Trainings

Lernplan: Enterprise Mobility mit Windows 10

Lernplan: Enterprise Mobility mit Windows 10

Learning plan | German | Level
In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie einen ausführlichen Überblick über das Thema Enterprise Mobility im Kontext von Windows 10. Sie lernen sowohl die Kernpfeiler von Windows 10 kennen als auch die Möglichkeiten zur Verwaltung von Geräten und Anwendungen unter...
Managing Office 365 Identities and Services

Managing Office 365 Identities and Services

Learning plan | English | Level
This course targets the needs of IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating Office 365 services, including its identities, dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies. This course focuses on skills required to set up an Office...
Video-Lernplan: Managing Office 365 Identities and Services

Video-Lernplan: Managing Office 365 Identities and Services

Learning plan | English | Level
This course that targets the needs of IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating Office 365 services, including its identities, dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies. This course focuses on skills required to set up an...
Exchange Online für Administratoren

Exchange Online für Administratoren

Classroom training | German | Level
In diesem Workshop lernen die Teilnehmer die einzelnen Produkte der Microsoft Office 365 Familie kennen. Sie lernen, eine entsprechende Exchange Hybridumgebung zu planen und Exchange Online zu administrieren.
Azure Active Directory: Identity Management as a Service for Modern Applications

Azure Active Directory: Identity Management as a Service for Modern Applications

Video | English | Level
Identity Management as a Service (IDMaaS) is an emerging capability to help developers and organizations manage access to modern applications. Integrating with Azure AD can save you time from coding your own sign in logic and trying to protect your user's passwords, and has...
Azure AD and Identity Show: Azure AD B2C (Business to Consumer)

Azure AD and Identity Show: Azure AD B2C (Business to Consumer)

Video | English | Level
Azure AD B2C (Business to Consumer) In this episode of the Azure AD and Identity Show, your host, Simon May, talks to Stuart Kwan of the Identity Division about how Azure AD B2C can help you manage consumer identity-based access (Facebook, Microsoft, Google and more) to your...
Azure AD B2C: How to enable consumer logins and access management for your B2C apps

Azure AD B2C: How to enable consumer logins and access management for your B2C apps

Video | English | Level
If you struggle with identity management and the user sign-in experience for your consumer applications and websites Azure AD B2C is a new service to help you to reliably and securely maintain user accounts for your B2C apps. Watch the show as lead engineer Alex Simons walks...
Azure AD Connect Health : Monitor your identity bridge

Azure AD Connect Health : Monitor your identity bridge

Video | English | Level
Watch this short video about Azure AD Connect Health. This Azure AD premium capability will help you monitor and gain insights into your identity infrastructure that is used to extend on-premises identities to Azure Active Directory and Office 365. In this first release we will...
Azure AD Managed Service Identity

Azure AD Managed Service Identity

Video | German | Level
Arturo Lucatero trifft aufDonovan Brown an, um die Azure AD Managed Service-Identität zu diskutieren, die zur Authentifizierung bei allen Diensten verwendet werden kann, die die Azure AD-Authentifizierung unterstützen.
Azure Identity 101 - Vittorio explains Federation and the basics of Azure Active Directory

Azure Identity 101 - Vittorio explains Federation and the basics of Azure Active Directory

Video | English | Level
Vittorio gives Scott a clear overview of where Windows Azure Active Directory fits into the world, what federation means, and how our application interacts with Azure.
Azure Identity 104 - Vittorio talks about the Windows Azure Active Directory endpoints and why they matter

Azure Identity 104 - Vittorio talks about the Windows Azure Active Directory endpoints and why they matter

Video | English | Level
Vittorio talks about the Windows Azure Active Directory endpoints and why they matter. We also make an interesting mistake and learn more about the system in the process!
Building Native Client and Mobile Apps using Azure Active Directory for Sign In

Building Native Client and Mobile Apps using Azure Active Directory for Sign In

Video | English | Level
Business applications on Windows and on mobile devices need to be able to sign-in business users. The Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) makes this possible on Windows, iOS and Android devices. In this session, join us for a deep dive in how to build a native client...
Das eigene Test Lab für jeden – mit IaaS von Microsoft Azure

Das eigene Test Lab für jeden – mit IaaS von Microsoft Azure

Video | German | Level
Kurzfristig wurde Ihnen für den Nachmittag eine Besprechung abgesagt. Was anstellen mit der gewonnen Zeit? Eine neue Softwarelösung testen? Oder ein Test Lab aufbauen, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln oder sich auf die nächste Zertifizierung vorzubereiten? Werden Sie so kurzfristig...
Deep Dive into the Windows Azure Active Directory Graph API: Data Model, Schema, Query, and More

Deep Dive into the Windows Azure Active Directory Graph API: Data Model, Schema, Query, and More

Video | English | Level
Would you like to build applications that can potentially be used by thousands of Microsoft Cloud Customers? This session shows how to develop applications that integrate with Windows Azure Active Directory using the Graph API, a new RESTful interface for accessing directory...
Einführung Microsoft Azure – Advanced Services

Einführung Microsoft Azure – Advanced Services

Video | German | Level
Microsoft Azure ist Microsofts Public Cloud Plattform für Entwickler und Administratoren, die eigene Softwareanwendungen ganz oder in Teilen in der Cloud ausführen möchten. Dieser MVA-Kurs gibt einen Überblick über erweiterte Dienste der Azure...
Enable Single Sign-on for your .NET Mobile Services with Azure Active Directory

Enable Single Sign-on for your .NET Mobile Services with Azure Active Directory

Video | English | Level
In this video, Matthew Henderson will show you how to authenticate users of your .NET Mobile Service by using the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL). You'll see how to provision a resource within AAD, consume it from a client app, and protect your mobile service so...
Enable single sign-on to Google Apps in 2 minutes with Azure AD

Enable single sign-on to Google Apps in 2 minutes with Azure AD

Video | English | Level
See how you can enable single sign-on (SSO) to Google Apps with Azure Active Directory in two minutes, by Livio De La Cruz, Program Manager, Identity division, Microsoft
Erste Schritte mit Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Erste Schritte mit Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Video | German | Level
Fragen Sie sich, wie es um Active Directory und die Cloud steht? Sie brauchen sich keine Gedanken mehr zu machen. Active Directory ist das Microsoft-Backboneangebot für die Identitätsverwaltung. Es wird von 93 Prozent der größeren Organisationen verwendet und wurde nun...
Extending On-Premises Directories to the Cloud Made Easy with Azure Active Directory Connect

Extending On-Premises Directories to the Cloud Made Easy with Azure Active Directory Connect

Video | English | Level
In this session, we will cover Directory Integration between Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, including new functionalities that the new, powerful, lightweight and simple Azure Active Connect brings. We walk you through our latest experience, how we are making it...
Getting Started with Bots and the Microsoft Graph

Getting Started with Bots and the Microsoft Graph

Video | English | Level
In dieser Episode der Office Dev Show, demonstriert Richard diZerega wie das Microsoft Bot Framework genutzt werden kann und Mat Vellosos AuthBot zeigt, wie man einen Bot baut, der sich gegenüber Azure AD (v1 or v2) authentifiziert, so dass es den Microsoft Graph abrufen...
Getting started with the new Azure Active Directory management experience

Getting started with the new Azure Active Directory management experience

Video | English | Level
Schauen Sie sich dieses Video an, um einen ersten Einblick auf die neue Management-Benutzererfahrung des Azure Active Dirctory im Azure Portal. Diese befindet sich momentan in der Preview Phase.
How to install a new Active Directory forest on an Azure virtual network

How to install a new Active Directory forest on an Azure virtual network

Video | English | Level
This video shows how to install a new Windows Server Active Directory forest on an Azure virtual network. The typology includes two domain controllers and two application hosts. The Azure virtual network is not connected to an on-premises network. For more instructions, see...
Intro to Microsoft Azure AD Premium

Intro to Microsoft Azure AD Premium

Video | English | Level
The General Availability of Windows Azure Active Directory Premium has been made so Jeff Staiman, a Programme Manager in the product group, and I, thought you might like to watch a short video I made with the product group that describes the major features you can use in a...
Managing Office 365 Identities and Services: (11) Implementing Active Directory Federation Services

Managing Office 365 Identities and Services: (11) Implementing Active Directory Federation Services

Video | English | Level
In this module, students learn to plan for single sign-on (SSO) by using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and then cover the process for setting up an AD FS server farm and an AD FS proxy. This module also cover the management process for certificates and the AD FS...
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium: Hybride Identitätsverwaltung & Sicherheit in der Cloud

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium: Hybride Identitätsverwaltung & Sicherheit in der Cloud

Video | German | Level
Mit Azure Active Directory Premium bietet Microsoft Ihnen eine umfassende Cloud-Lösung für die Identitäts- und Zugriffsverwaltung. Durch Self-Services und automatisierte Prozesse können die Produktivität der Mitarbeiter gesteigert und gleichzeitig die...
Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Management 2016 (2) Neues in Azure Active Directory

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Management 2016 (2) Neues in Azure Active Directory

Video | German | Level
Nun erfahren Sie, welche Möglichkeiten Sie mit Azure AD in Bezug auf hybride Identitäten haben, welche Unterschiede zum klassischen Active Directory bestehen und welche Neuerungen es gab.
Microsoft Office 365 Directory and Access Management with Windows Azure Active Directory

Microsoft Office 365 Directory and Access Management with Windows Azure Active Directory

Video | English | Level
You’ve invested time and money in your on-premises directory infrastructure, and now you want to leverage that investment to manage your Office 365 subscription in the cloud. This session dives deep into the various options available for connecting your on-premises...
Microsoft Office 365 Directory Synchronization and Federation Options

Microsoft Office 365 Directory Synchronization and Federation Options

Video | English | Level
You know by now that Office 365 uses Azure Active Directory and that you can synchronize accounts from your On-Premises Active Directory using the DirSync tool and you can do federated authentication using Active Directory Federation Services. This session provides a deeper...
Module 4: Azure Active Directory

Module 4: Azure Active Directory

Video | English | Level
This topic will start with an introduction to Azure Active Directory and then progress into key features of the service, such as configuring access to SaaS applications, supporting multi-factor authentication and then compare and contrast premium features of the service. The...
PowerShell on Linux and Open Source

PowerShell on Linux and Open Source

Video | English | Level
Das Commitment weiterführend eine offene und flexible Plattform zu ermöglichen, die den Kunden dort abholt wo er ist, hat Microsoft nun PowerShell als Open Source bereitgestellt und hat es auf Linux und MacOS verfügbar gemacht.[12:34] - Managing Azure using...
Programming Windows Azure Active Directory

Programming Windows Azure Active Directory

Video | English | Level
Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) now gives you Single-Sign-On to your apps, an API that allows you to both read and write data to the directory and you can even perform differential queries where only the changes since your last query are returned. This video explains the...
Securing Windows Store Applications and REST Services with Active Directory

Securing Windows Store Applications and REST Services with Active Directory

Video | German | Level
Learn how to develop SaaS and enterprise Windows Store apps with the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to connect with Active Directory Federation Services or Windows Azure Active Directory to authenticate the user to on-premises or cloud hosted web services. Learn...
What is Windows Azure Active Directory?

What is Windows Azure Active Directory?

Video | English | Level
Windows Azure Active Directory is described in cartoon format in this video. It's an easy to follow sketch of all the major pieces and how you can use it. It also describes the differences between Windows Azure Active Directory and Windows Server Active Directory.
Windows Azure Active Directory - Common Sign-up, sign-in and usage questions

Windows Azure Active Directory - Common Sign-up, sign-in and usage questions

Video | English | Level
This post answers some of the common questions asked in the forums about Azure Active Directory sign-up, sign-in and migration: - How do I create a new Windows Azure Active Directory? - How can I create a Windows Azure Active Directory if I am an existing Azure customer? - How...
Windows Azure Active Directory: Control Access to Windows Azure

Windows Azure Active Directory: Control Access to Windows Azure

Video | English | Level
Another cartoon format video plus demos, which shows how you can use Windows Azure Active Directory to create a team of users who can login and access the Windows Azure infrastructure; how you can set up 2-factor authentication for those with serious responsibilities, how to...
A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control (Second Edition)

A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control (Second Edition)

Download | English | Level
Dieses Buch versorgt Sie mit genügend Information Claims-Based-Identity zu evaluieren als mögliche Option, wenn Sie eine neue Anwendung planen oder Veränderungen an einer bestehenden vornehmen. Die Zielgruppe des Buches sind alle Architekten, Entwickler oder IT...
Whiepaper: Azure Active Directory Data Security Considerations

Whiepaper: Azure Active Directory Data Security Considerations

Download | English | Level
Das Whitepaper von 06/2018 beschreibt auf 23 Seiten das Thema Azure Active Directory Data Security Considerations und gibt viele nützliche Hinweise. 
70-346: Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements

70-346: Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements

External link | English | Level
Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating the Office 365 services, including its dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies. Candidates should have experience with the Office 365 Admin Center and...
Exam 70-347: Enabling Office 365 Services (online proctored)

Exam 70-347: Enabling Office 365 Services (online proctored)

Certification | English | Level
This exam is designed for IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating the Office 365 services, including its dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies. They should have experience with the Office 365 Admin Center and an...

Related topics to Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Community

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