Episode 192: Azure Mobile Engagement with Piyush Joshi

Video | Englisch | Anspruch

In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Piyush Joshi, Program Manager on the Azure Mobile Engagement team. Mobile Engagement just GAed last month and helps you to collect analytics on user behavior, measure those analytics, and then respond using marketing campaigns and push notifications. A great example of this is if you have an eCommerce application, you can track users that add items to their cart but don't make a purchase and trigger a push notification to them with a coupon to encourage them to complete the purchase. The SDKs for Mobile Engagement enable out of app notifications, as well as rich and actionable in-app notifications that are customizable. Furthermore, the Mobile Engagement portal provides an easy interface for marketers to trigger those push notifications without having to understand all of the intricacies of push notifications.

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