Improve Speed and Reduce Overhead with Containers in Windows Server 2016

Video | Englisch | Anspruch

Learn about how containers work in Windows Server 2016 and how they can be used to increase speed, workload density and decrease server overhead to create a more efficient server environment. Workload candidate and security options are also discussed to help you understand how containers may best fit in your server environment. Finally watch a demo using containers to setup a test environment with SQL vNext.

  • [0:56] What is a Container?
  • [2:52] Are we going to get faster speeds and better density with Containers vs. a Virtual Machine?
  • [3:34] What kind of density can consumers expect from Containers?
  • [6:04] So should everyone ditch Virtual Machines for Containers then?
  • [7:31] What about security? Are Containers as secure as Virtual Machines?
  • [10:57] DEMO: How to Deploy a completely Containerized version of SQL Server in Windows Server 2016


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