Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs - Schulungen, Online Kurse, Experten, Community

Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Definition

Notification Hubs ist ein stark skalierbares Modul für mobile Pushbenachrichtigungen, mit dem innerhalb weniger Minuten Millionen von Pushbenachrichtigungen an iOS-, Android-, Windows- oder Kindle-Geräte gesendet werden können. Mit nur einigen wenigen Codezeilen stimmen Sie Benachrichtigungen auf bestimmte Benutzer- oder Zielgruppen ab – und das für beliebige Plattformen.

Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Schulungen

Eine Einführung in Microsoft Azure für Softwareentwickler mit Holger Sirtl

Eine Einführung in Microsoft Azure für Softwareentwickler mit Holger Sirtl

Webcast | Deutsch | Anspruch
Holger Sirtl, Technical Evangelist bei Microsoft Deutschland und Autor unseres Whitepapers „Einführung in Microsoft Azure“, gibt Ihnen in diesem Webinar Einblicke in die verschiedenen Azure Services: ein idealer Einstieg in die Azure-Welt für alle, die...
Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 1 - Broadcasting Alerts

Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 1 - Broadcasting Alerts

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Elio Damaggio teaches Scott about Azure Notification Hubs and how you can send alerts to any device.
Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 2 - Filtering Alerts

Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 2 - Filtering Alerts

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Elio Damaggio digs into Azure Notification Hubs and adds topic filtering.
Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 3 - Templates and Internationalization

Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 3 - Templates and Internationalization

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Elio Damaggio adds device templates and language preferrences to his growing Azure Notification Hubs application.
Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 4 - User-Specific Alerts

Azure Notification Hubs with Elio Damaggio - Part 4 - User-Specific Alerts

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Elio and Scott add in user-specific notifications and talk about more sophisticated alerting with Notification Hubs.
Delivering Push Notifications to Millions of Mobile Devices

Delivering Push Notifications to Millions of Mobile Devices

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Push notifications are critical to craft engaging app experience and increase usage and user interest. Windows Azure Notification Hubs support multi-platform push with Windows, iOS, and Android, publish/subscribe routing to particular groups of users or devices, and low latency...
Episode 100 - Introduction to the Windows Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs

Episode 100 - Introduction to the Windows Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Recently we announced a new preview feature Windows Azure Service Bus Notification Hubs. In this episode Nick Harris and Nate Totten are joined by Elio Damaggio Program Manager II on Windows Azure Service Bus who provides a great overview, and demo of, Notification Hubs and...
Episode 116: Cross Platform Notifications using Windows Azure Notifications Hub

Episode 116: Cross Platform Notifications using Windows Azure Notifications Hub

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Elio Damaggio a Program Manager on the Notification Hubs team. During this episode Elio demonstrates the following concepts: Sending Push Notifications to Windows Store apps with Notification Hubs , Sending Push...
Episode 118: Location based Push Notifications with Windows Azure Notification Hubs

Episode 118: Location based Push Notifications with Windows Azure Notification Hubs

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
In this episode Nick Harris and Chris Risner are joined by Elio Damaggio, Program Manager on the Windows Azure Notification Hubs team. During this episode you will learn how you can send easily implement location based/geotargeted push notifications using Windows Azure...
Episode 59 - Using the Windows Push Notification Service with Windows Azure

Episode 59 - Using the Windows Push Notification Service with Windows Azure

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Join Wade and Steve each week as they cover the Windows Azure Platform. You can follow and interact with the show at @CloudCoverShow. In this episode, Nick Harris — Technical Evangelist for Windows Azure — joins Steve and Wade to discuss the Windows Azure Toolkit...
Episode 64 - Adding Push Notifications to Windows Phone Apps

Episode 64 - Adding Push Notifications to Windows Phone Apps

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Join Wade and Steve each week as they cover the Windows Azure Platform. You can follow and interact with the show at @CloudCoverShow. In this episode, Wade is joined by former Cloud Cover host, Ryan Dunn. In addition to discussing Ryan's exploits post-Microsoft, Wade...
Episode 73 - Nick Harris on Push Notifications for Windows 8

Episode 73 - Nick Harris on Push Notifications for Windows 8

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Join Wade and David each week as they cover Windows Azure. You can follow and interact with the show at @CloudCoverShow. In this episode, Wade is joined by Nick Harris—Technical Evangelist for Windows Azure—who shows us the Consumer Preview update of the Windows...
High Scale Cross Platform Push Notifications With Microsoft Azure

High Scale Cross Platform Push Notifications With Microsoft Azure

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Increasing engagement with your mobile apps helps you retain users and decrease acquisition costs. This video demonstrates how easy it is for developers and marketers to use this powerful tool to reach millions of users on any platform using Azure Notification Hubs.
Mobile Push Notifications to Any Client with Azure Notification Hubs

Mobile Push Notifications to Any Client with Azure Notification Hubs

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Mobile Push Notifications are essential for any mobile app, whether it targets your customers or employees. Azure Notification Hubs is a cross-platform push notification service you need to deliver push notifications at scale to iOS, OSX, Android, Chrome, Windows , Windows...
Notifications Hubs with iOS

Notifications Hubs with iOS

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
In this video, Chris Risner walks you through using Windows Azure's Service Bus Notification Hubs feature to enable push notifications to iOS applications. Notification Hubs give you a way to deliver broadcast style push notifications at scale with a simple API and an...
Windows Azure Notification Hubs

Windows Azure Notification Hubs

Video | Englisch | Anspruch
Learn how to use Windows Azure Notification Hubs to push notifications to Windows Store applications.


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Sie möchten in die Microsft Cloud wechseln. Und Sie fragen sich, wie das geht. Sie wollen die Vorteile, wissen aber nicht, wie Sie beginnen und Fallstricke vermeiden können, mit denen die Cloud-Pioniere anfänglich konfrontiert waren? Im Azure-Entwicklerleitfaden...

Live-Webinar "Einführung in Microsoft Azure für Softwareentwickler" mit Holger Sirtl am 11.11.2016

Externer Link | Deutsch | Anspruch
Holger Sirtl, Technical Evangelist bei Microsoft Deutschland und Autor des Whitepapers „Einführung in Microsoft Azure“, gibt Ihnen in diesem Webinar Einblicke in die verschiedenen Azure Services: ein idealer Einstieg in die Azure-Welt für alle, die...

Verwandte Themen zu Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs

Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Community

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Diese Community Gruppe beschäftigt sich mit der Planung und Entwicklung von...

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