Modernizing .NET Apps with Docker, for IT Pros. Part 2.

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The second video in the series showing you how to move existing .NET apps to Docker, so you can run them in Azure without any code changes.

In Part 2 I use the open-source PowerShell module, Image2Docker, to extract an ASP.NET 3.5 application from a Windows Server 2003 VM into Docker. The Image2Docker tool extracts the content for IIS apps from the source machine, and generates a Dockerfile.

The Dockerfile is a simple script which sets up your application in Docker. To package the app, you build the Dockerfile into a Docker image - and that's the portable unit. You can share that image on a public or private registry, and anyone with access can pull the image.

To run the app in Docker, you start a container from the image. The image contains everything the app needs to run, so it will behave in the same way on a developer laptop, on a server in the datacenter, and on a Windows VM in Azure.

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